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Toronto Chapter

Our Lady Of Lourdes - Creating our New Garden of Native Plants

by Catherine Smee and Jo-An Davies

Several years ago, the Gardening Ministry at Our Lady of Lourdes persuaded the rectory to remove a grassy extent and create a garden. At first, it was a “no” but in 2022, we were allowed to design it and we adopted the idea of a Canadian Native garden. We began in 2022. In 2023 we received a grant through Donna Lang via TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, and we added native plants.

Holy Blossom Temple - Our Home with Native Plants

By Dante Thorne

The selection of native plant species around Holy Blossom’s grounds are intended to be a boon for local pollinating insects and a refreshing visual treat for visitors and passersby alike.


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Neighbours checking on neighbours can save lives.  The changing climate is inducing extreme weather events that are increasing in frequency and severity and causing havoc and devastation in many of our communities. Across urban centres, our most vulnerable neighbours are the least prepared to tackle such emergencies. Typically, they do not have access to necessary supplies and are unable to remove themselves from a harmful situation because of constraints that include health problems, mobility concerns and a lack of social networks. Governments can’t tackle these vast problems alone. Because caring is in our DNA — with outreach programs regularly being...
Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area Energy Benchmarking Program: Project Completed “You can’t change what you don’t measure.” – Understanding your energy use is the first step in reducing it. Why Benchmark? Supports stewardship of environmental and financial resources. Allows you to target carbon consumption (buildings account for about 42% of a typical faith community’s carbon footprint). Saves time and money, allowing you to target lowest hanging fruit. Assists future reporting requirements.  Launched in 2017 and completed in 2020, Faith & the Common Good’s Energy Benchmarking Program helped over 100 faith communities from across the GTHA take their first steps towards...
At Faith & the Common Good, we believe that the environmental crisis is, at its root, not merely a crisis of pollution and extinction, but a crisis of alienation and fragmentation; a crisis of the spirit. Only when we can work together and communicate meaningfully with one another at the heart and soul level can we hope to bring about the necessary changes required to live in peace, harmony, and health. Renewing the Sacred Balance requires fundamental reconciliation with the whole Earth community.  We cannot remain silent, nor remain isolated in our actions when so much of the world is...
Greening Sacred Spaces (GSS) is our longest-running program. A practical program, GSS assists faith communities with both the educational and spiritual dimensions of greening as well as the “how to” side of audits, retrofits, and generally reducing a faith community’s footprint. We have developed a number of resources to help faith groups become community leaders in working towards a more sustainable future for all. Click on the links below to find out more about our: videos and webinars, case studies, posters, guides, tip sheets, building audits, energy benchmarking, certification, awards  Visit your local chapter page or contact your local animator...

Thank you to our Funders 

Greening Sacres Spaces Toronto

Connect With Us

Toronto Animator:
Donna Lang
[email protected]
Phone: (416) 481-1327

Please contact Donna Lang, Greening Sacred Spaces Toronto Animator, for more information, to get involved, or to request a presentation at your faith community.



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